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Resolution API

Runs an entity resolution job and returns the results.

The request accepts two endpoints:

POST _zentity/resolution
POST _zentity/resolution/{entity_type}

Example Request

This example request resolves a person identified by a name, a dob, and two phone values, while limiting the search to one index called users_index and two resolvers called name_dob and name_phone. The request passes a param called fuzziness to the phone attribute, which can be referenced in any matcher clause that uses the fuzziness param. Note that an attribute can accept either an array of values or an object with the values specified in a field called "values". It's also valid to specify an attribute with no values but to override the default params, such as to format the results of any date attributes in the response.

Read the input specification for complete details about the structure of a request.

POST _zentity/resolution/person?pretty
  "attributes": {
    "name": [ "Alice Jones" ],
    "dob": {
      "values": [ "1984-01-01" ]
    "phone": {
      "values": [
      "params": {
        "fuzziness": 2
  "scope": {
    "exclude": {
      "attributes": {
        "name": [
        "phone": "555-555-5555"
    "include": {
      "indices": [
      "resolvers": [

Example Response

This example response took 64 milliseconds and returned 2 hits. The _source field contains the fields and values as they exist in the document indexed in Elasticsearch. The _attributes field contains any values from the _source field that can be mapped to the "attributes" field of the entity model. The _hop field shows the level of recursion at which the document was fetched. Entities with many documents can span many hops if they have highly varied attribute values.

Read the output specification for complete details about the structure of a response.

  "took": 64,
  "hits": {
    "total": 2,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "users_index",
        "_id": "iaCn-mABDJZDR09hUNon",
        "_hop": 0,
        "_attributes": {
          "city": "Beverly Halls",
          "first_name": "Alice",
          "last_name": "Jones",
          "phone": "555 123 4567",
          "state": "CA",
          "street": "123 Main St",
          "zip": "90210-0000"
        "_source": {
          "@version": "1",
          "city": "Beverly Halls",
          "fname": "Alice",
          "lname": "Jones",
          "phone": "555 987 6543",
          "state": "CA",
          "street": "123 Main St",
          "zip": "90210-0000"
        "_index": "users_index",
        "_id": "iqCn-mABDJZDR09hUNoo",
        "_hop": 0,
        "_attributes": {
          "city": "Beverly Hills",
          "first_name": "Alice",
          "last_name": "Jones",
          "phone": "(555)-987-6543",
          "state": "CA",
          "street": "123 W Main Street",
          "zip": "90210"
        "_source": {
          "@version": "1",
          "city": "Beverly Hills",
          "fname": "Alice",
          "lname": "Jones",
          "phone": "(555)-987-6543",
          "state": "CA",
          "street": "123 W Main Street",
          "zip": "90210"

HTTP Headers

Header Value
Content-Type application/json

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
_attributes Boolean true No Return the "_attributes" field in each doc.
_explanation Boolean false No Return the "_explanation" field in each doc.
_seq_no_primary_term Boolean false No Return the "_seq_no" and "_primary_term" fields in each doc.
_source Boolean true No Return the "_source" field in each doc.
_version Boolean false No Return the "_version" field in each doc.
entity_type String Depends The entity type. Required if model is not specified.
error_trace Boolean true No Return the Java stack trace when an exception is thrown.
hits Boolean true No Return the "hits" field in the response.
max_docs_per_query Integer 1000 No Maximum number of docs per query result. See size
max_hops Integer 100 No Maximum level of recursion.
max_time_per_query String 10s No Timeout per query. Uses time units. Timeouts are best effort and not guaranteed (more info).
pretty Boolean false No Indents the JSON response data.
profile Boolean false No Profile each query. Used for debugging.
queries Boolean false No Return the "queries" field in the response. Used for debugging.

URL Parameters (advanced)

These are advanced search optimizations. Most users will not require them. It's recommended to use the default settings of the cluster unless you know what you're doing.

Parameter Type Default Required Description
search.allow_partial_search_results Boolean Cluster default No allow_partial_search_results
search.batched_reduce_size Integer Cluster default No batched_reduce_size
search.max_concurrent_shard_requests Integer Cluster default No max_concurrent_shard_requests
search.preference String Cluster default No preference
search.pre_filter_shard_size Integer Cluster default No pre_filter_shard_size
search.request_cache Boolean Cluster default No request_cache

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
attributes Object Deopends The initial attribute values to search. Required if terms and ids are not specified.
terms Object Depends The initial terms to search. Required if attributes and ids are not specified.
ids Object Depends The initial document _ids to search. Required if attributes and terms are not specified.
scope.exclude Object No The names of indices to limit the job to.
scope.exclude.attributes Object No The names and values of attributes to exclude in each query.
scope.exclude.indices Object No The names of indices to exclude in each query.
scope.exclude.resolvers Object No The names of resolvers to exclude in each query.
scope.include.attributes Object No The names and values of attributes to require in each query.
scope.include.indices Object No The names of indices to require in each query.
scope.include.resolvers Object No The names of resolvers to require in each query.
model Object Depends The entity model. Required if entity_type is not specified.




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Bulk Models API Bulk Resolution API
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